Articles & Links.
- MOVE Culver City Lawsuit
- Letter from Culver City Mayor Albert Vera regarding Homelessness
- Housing Elements Explained
Link to the California Department of Housing and Community Development
- Over Two Thirds of All Los Angeles Rentals Are Now Owned by Speculative Investment Vehicles
A new study by Strategic Actions for a Just Economy links corporate ownership to faster neighborhood rent increases.
- What's in My Backyard? Karen Narevsky, Jacobin Magazine
- Dropping the Hammer on YIMBYISM - LA Tenants Union
- “Yes In My BackYard” advocates a deregulatory, trickle-down framework for housing policy that does more harm than good.
The thread uniting YIMBYs is that we should just “build baby build” to solve our housing crisis, despite abundant evidence — including studies by MIT academics and the Federal reserve, in addition to historical evidence from cities that have pursued this approach — showing that merely adding market-rate supply does not lead to lower housing prices, but rather spurs gentrification and displacement. By empowering the real estate industry, which has long served as a vanguard of structural racism and segregation, YIMBY policies hasten the construction of cities only accessible to the rich.
- Zoning changes could put a hurt on Black homeownership
Madalyn Barber, Special to CalMatters
- Trickle-Down Housing is a Failure. Here’s What You Need to Know.
Patrick Range McDonald, Housing is a Human Right
- Why Do Politicians Want to Take Away Homeownership from Communities of Color?
Cynthia Davis and Susie Shannon, LA Progressive